After a long day of work, your feet may be barking. So rest those tired puppies, and hear some mindless jokes about, well, puppies that will make you howl.
There’s a reason man’s best friend brings us so much joy. Not only are they loyal, loving and playful — but they also have great senses of humor.
No matter what the breed or the age, certain things about dogs are universal. These funny dog jokes capture some of that playful puppy spirit in the best way. Whether you have a dog, had a dog or are thinking of getting more dogs, these jokes will be a real treat.
Wait, did somebody say TREAT?
Most Important Meal of the Day

Pooched eggs.
The Children of the Night

A Bloodhound.
Highest Calling

Both have collar ID.
Ice Cream Solves Everything

Once Upon a Time

He knew how to paws for dramatic effect.
Bubbles and Bliss

A shampoodle.
If You Can’t Be Kind, Be Quiet

A hush puppy.
Hocus Pokus

A labracadabrador.
Let the Music Play

A trom-bone.
Career Opportunities

Because they hound their employees.
Forgetfulness Is a Form of Freedom

In the barking lot.
Your Dog’s Favorite Color

A bulldog.
Hungry for More

Bone appetite!

A chili dog.
Call the Grammar Police

They just love buts.
Compliments to the Chef

“Wow, that hit the spot!”
Into the Forest

Sound Barrier

A sub-woofer.
Geography Lesson

New Yorkie.

A watchdog.
Will You Take This Rose?

A collie-flower!
The Old West

He was looking for the man who shot his paw.
Reality TV

He presses paws.
Criss Cross

A cockerpoodledoo!
Take Out Tonight?

The Bees Are Buzzing

A greyhound buzz.
A Very Academic Pooch

Her pet-degree.
Scratch, Scratch

“That was ruff!”
Feeling Boxed In

A south paw!

Take the words out of his mouth!
Flea Market

“Should we walk or take a dog?”
Taking a Field Trip

It was a shih-tzu.
The Scientific Method

They barium.
Monster Under the Bed

Running the Numbers

A friend you can count on.
Just Breathe

Aware wolf.
Connoisseur of Comedy

Growlcho Marx.

One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.
Adventure is Calling

A golden receiver.