Dogs and humans have evolved together for centuries, so it only stands to reason that there would be quite a special bond between the two.
Aside from obvious friendship, playtime and cuddles, dogs are capable of procuring some incredible (and incredibly helpful) skills. Of course, some of them come naturally, while others take a bit of training, but all are talents that are well beyond human faculties. And each one of them will make you want to get (or get another) furry, floppy-eared friend.
Here are just a few of the truly unbelievable abilities dogs have.
They Can Predict Earthquakes

Dogs are gifted at sensing small changes and can pick up on all sorts of subtleties that humans don’t notice. Getty Images
While there’s still plenty of debate surrounding whether or not dogs can predict major natural disasters like an earthquake, lots of people make the solid argument — either from research or from personal experience — that dogs can sense something shifting in their environment.
Since they’re already gifted at sensing small human changes and can pick up on all sorts of subtleties that humans don’t notice, it stands to reason that they can very likely sense major shifts in the Earth.
But, since natural disasters aren’t often predictable — especially earthquakes — it’s particularly difficult to test this ability. Suffice it to say, if your dog is acting particularly strange (and all their basic needs are met), you might want to consider listening to whatever they’re trying to tell you.