Parents of infants have enough on their minds and on their schedules. The last thing they need to be stressed about is that the dog they add to the family won’t be a perfect match for their energetic and curious little human.
Some families may choose to avoid getting a dog until the kids are older or may skip getting one altogether, even if they like the idea of having a canine companion. But there are studies that suggest children who grow up with dogs can actually reap lots of social and health benefits. And there are plenty of pups who have an absolutely perfect temperament for an infant or toddler.
Of course, every dog has an individual personality, and this is by no means an exhaustive list of the only dog breeds for babies. Plus, children and new pups should always be supervised together just in case one of them steps out of line. But, hopefully, this list will help as a starting point for your new canine companion search.
Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are the quintessential family dog. Stefan Stefancik / Pexels
These majestic beauties have a well-earned reputation for being the ultimate family dog.
Loving and loyal, there’s a reason these dogs were the featured protagonist in the iconic family movie “Homeward Bound.”
They’re patient, easy-going, and will make great cuddly siblings for little humans.
Golden Retriever Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Intelligent, Devoted
Height: 23-24 inches (male), 21.5-22.5 inches (male)
Weight: 65-75 pounds (male), 55-65 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

Beagles are notoriously laid-back dogs. Artem Bali / Pexels
Beagles and their big brown pleading eyes are not only adorable, but great additions to the family.
They’re notoriously relaxed, even if you’re out on a walk. They prefer to take in the smells and sounds rather than go sprinting toward any random squirrel that catches their attention.
They love to play, have a gentle disposition, are pretty adaptable, and love being with their pack.
Beagle Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Curious, Merry
Height: 13 inches and under, 13-15 inches
Weight: under 20 pounds (13 inches and under), 20-30 pounds (13-15 inches)
Life Expectancy: 10-15 years

Collies are regarded as the smartest of all dog breeds. Getty Images
There’s a reason these pups consistently get named the smartest of all dog breeds. They’re incredibly energetic and delightfully intelligent.
If you give them the job of helping to herd, raise and protect your infant, they’ll take it very seriously and excel at it like they do any task you give them.
As long as you can keep them stimulated and exercised, they’ll be happy and even helpful members of your family.
Collie Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Devoted, Graceful, Proud
Height: 24-26 inches (male), 212-24 inches (male)
Weight: 60-75 pounds (male), 50-65 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

Bulldogs love attention and cuddling. Pixabay
Though its face may denote some intensity, this dog is as easygoing as any breed in existence.
You won’t find much that bothers these pups, so you typically won’t have to worry about your infant playing with them nonstop. In fact, they love attention and cuddles, so the more play for these guys the better.
Plus, there are few things cuter than a tiny infant and a big bulldog playing together.
Bulldog Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Courageous, Calm
Height: 14-15 inches
Weight: 50 pounds (male), 40 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 8-10 years

Newfoundlands have a love for children and hanging out with their crew. Getty Images
These gentle giants are some of the generally best behaved in the world. They have an affinity for children and love to hang out with their crew.
They love to run around, exercise, play, and then snuggle in for a good cuddle session.
Because these dogs are so big, they sometimes may not know their size. But, because they’re bigger, little pulls of their hair or pets from toddlers still learning how to pet won’t bother them as much.
Plus, they make excellent huggers — just make sure to have a towel around to dry off all their affectionate drool.
Newfoundland Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Sweet, Patient, Devoted
Height: 28 inches (average male), 26 inches (average female)
Weight: 130-150 pounds (male), 100-120 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 9-10 years

Poodles are highly intelligent and trainable, and they adapt to boundaries and expectations. Pixabay
The poodle is one of the most unique-looking and intelligent breeds you’ll find. They’re highly trainable and will quickly understand boundaries and expectations you place on them.
They are generally pretty easy-going, especially if they’ve been properly exercised and stimulated, so are good with children around them.
There are all sorts of poodle hybrids — called doodles — that have become popular among family members since, like the poodle themselves, they typically don’t shed at the same rate as other dogs (which is especially helpful if you have allergies).
Plus, they usually have all the fun personality and playful traits of the poodle with additional benefits of whatever breed they’re mixed with.
Poodle Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Active, Proud, Very Smart
Height: Over 15 inches
Weight: 60-70 pounds (male), 40-50 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Labrador Retriever

Labrador retrievers are loyal and fun loving. Pixabay
Like golden retrievers, labrador retrievers are pretty common family dogs for a very good reason.
Assuming you do all the right steps to introduce the new family members into the pack — which is true for all dogs — these pups will stick by children like peanut butter sticks by jelly.
They love to play as much as they love to cuddle, so they make perfect companions for your high-energy little ones.
They also love to eat, so be extra careful with attempting to feed.
Labrador Retriever Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Active, Outgoing
Height: 22.5-24.5 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female)
Weight: 65-80 pounds (male), 55-70 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

Pugs love to play and cuddle. pixabay
These loud breathers are not only goofy to look at, they can make pretty great additions to any family.
They love to play and run around like young kids do, but also love to take a good, long cuddle break.
You won’t find a more willing and able companion for hours of endless play with a little one than the typical pug.
Just make sure when nap time finally hits, you have your ear plugs readily available.
Pug Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Charming, Mischievous, Loving
Height: 10-13 inches
Weight: 14-18 pounds
Life Expectancy: 13-15 years

Boxers are goofy and playful. Jackson Jorvan / Pexels
These lovable goofballs will provide endless hours of playtime and entertainment for both you and your young children.
Even more than other dogs, they love to be around humans and have a particular affinity for little ones. And their bigger size means they’ll be able (generally) to withstand all sorts of hands grabbing and playing with them in any situation.
As long as they’re getting attention, these dogs are happy.
Boxer Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Bright, Fun-Loving, Active
Height: 23-25 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female)
Weight: 65-80 pounds (male), 50-65 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

Mastiffs bond quickly to humans. Getty Images
Don’t let its big bones intimidate you. This big buddy is a true little love bug.
This breed has a tendency to bond quickly to its humans and will easily protect them once bonded.
They’ll enjoy playtime, but you can also rest assured that they’ll keep a threat at bay if they feel their pack is at all in danger.
Mastiff Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Courageous, Dignified, Good-Natured
Height: 30 inches and up (male), 27.5 inches and up (female)
Weight: 160-230 pounds (male), 120-170 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 6-10 years

Dalmatians are playful, fun-loving, and beautiful. Photo by Jodie DS from Pexels
There may be 101 reasons to love these dogs thanks to some popular Disney movies. They’re playful, fun-loving and downright beautiful dogs.
Like many other kid-friendly breeds, they’re happy to run during the day and cuddle up at night.
And, if you happen to live on a farm, these dogs have a particular affection for horses, so you won’t have to worry about them not getting along with all your farm family members.
Dalmatian Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Dignified, Smart, Outgoing
Height: 19-24 inches
Weight: 45-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Bichon Frise

Bichon frises love the spotlight but will gladly share it. Pixabay
Don’t let their adorable faces fool you, there’s a lot going on in those fluffy little minds.
The Bichon Frise loves to own the spotlight and will make pretty much anyone they interact with fall in love with them, too. The pup will happily share the spotlight, though, with a child bestie.
They also learn and adapt to new situations quickly, so nothing you throw their way will throw them off their charm-game too easily.
Bichon Frise Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Playful, Curious, Peppy
Height: 9.5-11.5 inches
Weight: 12-18 pounds
Life Expectancy: 14-15 years
Australian Shepherd

Australian shepherds are energetic, smart and loyal. Getty Images
These beauties are by nature extremely energetic and, like the collie, love to have a job to do. They want and need to get out their high energy with daily exercise, so running around with a little one can be the perfect thing.
They’re incredibly loyal to their pack, and they may not love the idea of introducing other people into it. That can work well if you want them to be protective of their human sibling but will mean they need a little bit of time adjusting to any new pack member.
But, because they’re so smart, they’re easy to train and pick up on new skills quickly. These goofy little mischief-makers love to be stimulated and will love playing with their human people every day.
Australian Shepherd Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Smart, Work-Oriented, Exuberant
Height: 20-23 inches (male), 18-21 inches (female)
Weight: 50-65 pounds (male), 40-55 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Bull Terrier

Bull terriers are notoriously friendly and very trainable. Getty Images
This breed has been featured in all sorts of marketing campaigns over the years, from beer to department stores.
Their semi-famous long-nose faces pop up all over the place because they’re notoriously friendly and very trainable.
When playing, they can become a little intense at times, but for babies and little ones who will be just sharing space with them generally, they’ll be cuddly, loving, and protective.
Bull Terrier Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Playful, Charming, Mischievous
Height: 21-22 inches
Weight: 50-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-13 years

Gentle and energetic, vizslas are perfect for young children. Picbay
If you have a backyard that this pup can run around in, they’ll be happiest burning off some steam then coming back in to cuddle with their favorite little baby.
This gentle and athletic breed will be just as happy entertaining infants with their seemingly endless energy supply as they will snuggling up for afternoon naps.
Vizsla Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Gentle, Energetic
Height: 22-24 inches (male), 21-23 inches (female)
Weight: 55-60 pounds (male), 44-55 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Irish Setter

Irish setters are friendly, low key, social dogs who are good with all ages. Getty Images
This elegant and beautiful dog loves to hang with others and doesn’t like to be alone.
So they’ll be happy as a clam to have an excuse for you (or a caretaker) and your baby to stay home with them and play all the time.
Plus, they’re generally pretty happy pups, making it easy to keep them satisfied.
Irish Setter Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Active, Outgoing, Sweet-Natured
Height: 27 inches (male), 25 inches (female)
Weight: 70 pounds (male), 60 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a playful, gentle breed. Getty Images
This breed, like infants, loves to cuddle up in a little ball and spend all day just hanging out with you.
These guys have been renowned for years as one of the gentlest and sweetest dogs you can find.
They’re not as easily trained as other breeds. But, they don’t need too much training to be gentle and caring to their human baby siblings, since that will come pretty naturally to them.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Gentle, Graceful
Height: 12-13 inches
Weight: 13-18 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Basset Hound

Basset hounds are patient, chill and have a big heart. Getty Images
This hound dog is easy going and loves to hang out and explore. Well known to be patient and pretty chill, these big-eared fur babies have a big heart.
They’re happy just lazily hanging around the house, so they won’t add more maintenance to an already busy schedule.
Basset Hound Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Charming, Patient, Low-Key
Height: Up to 15 inches
Weight: 40-65 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
Boston Terrier

Boston terriers have a ton of energy and love to play. Getty Images
These hearty and energetic little dogs love to hang with their humans and play, play, play!
They have a ton of energy that they’ll want to put to good use regularly.
But when they’re not chasing a ball or running after squirrels, they’ll cuddle up and gently play with their favorite people.
Boston Terrier Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Bright, Amusing
Height: 15-17 inches
Weight: 12-25 pounds
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Airedale Terrier

Airedale terriers are gentle and protective. Getty Images
These personality-packed pups love to have a job. With little ones around, they’re gentle and protective.
They want to make you happy and are highly trainable, so they can be taught all sorts of boundaries and expectations with a young child, which is really helpful as they grow.
Airedale Terrier Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Clever, Courageous
Height: 23 inches
Weight: 50-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 11-14 years

Bloodhound are calm and happy hanging out all day with an infant. Getty Images
Like other hound dogs, this breed is pretty calm and very chill. They love to use their nose to explore the world around them and will be plenty happy hanging out all day with an infant.
Since they’re often trained and put to work in all sorts of professional scenarios, they can easily be trained to be put to work in regular homes, too.
Bloodhound Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Independent, Inquisitive
Height: 25-27 inches (male), 23-25 inches (female)
Weight: 90-110 pounds (male), 80-100 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

Bolognese offer sweet, gentle, patient affection. Getty Images
Cousins with the popular bichon frise, this all-white pup is similar in many ways.
They can be rather shy, preferring the company of their family (especially the one special person they tend to attach to the most).
But whoever they decide is their special person will get nothing but sweet, gentle, patient affection and a whole bunch of cuddles.
Bolognese Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Playful, Easy-Going, Devoted
Height: 10-12 inches
Weight: 5.5-9 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

Corgis will be happiest if they can just cuddle and be the center of attention. Getty Images
A favorite breed of the Queen, corgis have a special place in many people’s hearts. They’re playful and fun-loving, they love to hang with their family members.
Though they like to be in charge, they know how to respect a family pecking order and will be happiest if they can just cuddle and be the center of attention — along with, of course, their infant subjects.
Corgi Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Smart, Alert
Height: 10-12 inches
Weight: Up to 30 pounds (male), up to 28 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
Afghan Hound

Afghan hounds prefer family over strangers but are completely loving and loyal to those they love. Getty Images
These distinct and gorgeous-looking creatures are as gentle as they are beautiful.
Though they may not be the friendliest with outsiders (they tend to just prefer their family over any stranger who enters their space), they are completely loving and loyal to those they love the most.
They have a bit of a stubborn streak, so they may not want to please you on the same levels that other dogs do. But they are generally gentle and mean really well, plus they’ve got an amazingly beautiful coat that will make you easily forgive their stubborn quirks.
Afghan Hound Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Independent, Sweet
Height: 25-27 inches
Weight: 50-60 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-18 years
American Foxhound

The American foxhound is happiest when it has a task to do. Getty Images
Any child who’s ever seen “The Fox and the Hound” may want an American foxhound.
Like other hound dogs, it’s happiest when it has a task (ideally one that involves its nose).
And also like other hound dogs, it tends to be calm, easy-going, and plenty content just hanging around the house with its family members.
American Foxhound Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Independent, Easy-Going, Sweet-Tempered
Height: 22-25 inches (male), 21-24 inches (female)
Weight: 65-70 pounds (male), 60-65 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Chinese Crested

Chinese crested look unforgettable and are gentle and cuddly with family. Getty Images
You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more unique-looking dog than the Chinese crested.
Their little bodies make them ideal for all sorts of living situations and their unique fluffy and often hairless coats make them unforgettable to look at.
These social critters bond to their pack and tend to not be as interested in others outside of it. But, if you’re in with them, they are gentle, sweet, cuddly and really fun family companions.
Chinese Crested Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Alert, Lively
Height: 11-13 inches
Weight: 8-12 pounds
Life Expectancy: 13-18 years
Scottish Terrier

Scottish terrier are affectionate and loyal companions. Getty Images
There is a lot of personality packed into a small package with these stubby pups.
On the one hand, they love their family intensely. On the other, you’ll need to be careful that they get too protective of their family unit.
They tend to be opinionated and more serious. But for years, they’ve been affectionate and loyal companions for families with young children and for very good reasons – they’re loving and loyal pups.
Scottish Terrier Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Confident, Independent, Spirited
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 19-22 pounds (male), 18-21 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12 years
Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan mastiffs are quiet and easy going companions. Getty Images
These big fur babies may seem like they like to roam around outdoors, but they very much prefer to be inside with the rest of the family.
They can be quiet and easy-going companions who can easily learn the quirks of a young child by growing up with them.
They’re easy going like other mastiffs, not to mention they can get really big, but they do tend to need a bit more socialization to tolerate all the craziness young kiddos can offer.
Tibetan Mastiff Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Independent, Reserved, Intelligent
Height: 26-28 inches (male), 24-26 inches (female)
Weight: 90-150 pounds (male), 70-120 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

Young weimaraners have tons of energy and needs to let out its steam regularly. Getty Images
Having a young Weimaraner and a young child might be putting a little too much on your plate, as this breed has tons of energy and needs to let out its steam regularly.
But, older dogs can relax a lot more and, once they get their exercise in, are generally happy-go-lucky and easy-going pets.
Plus, as you kid grows up, they’ll have a playmate that will happily chase them around the house.
Weimaraner Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Fearless, Obedient
Height: 25-27 inches (male), 23-25 inches (female)
Weight: 70-90 pounds (male), 55-75 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-13 years

Whippets are high energy but enjoy cuddling and playing gently. Getty Images
Like the weimaraner, these dogs have a ton of athletic ability and energy that they need to burn off daily.
But once they’ve gotten their fix in, they’re perfectly content cuddling with their favorite people and gently playing with any little ones around.
Plus, because they require spurts of energy, they’ll give you a great excuse to continue exercising even with a busy schedule.
Whippet Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Playful, Calm
Height: 19-22 inches (male), 18-21 inches (female)
Weight: 25-40 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

Rottweilers are loyal and protective. Getty Images
Sadly, these powerful dogs have garnered a bad reputation. And there’s no denying that they are very strong and strong-willed animals. But the only reason they are aggressive is because people have trained them to be that way.
The breed is actually extremely loyal and protective. They’ll patiently watch over their infant friends with intensity to make sure they stay safe and then happily cuddle with whoever might be around.
Rottweiler Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Loyal, Loving, Confident Guardian
Height: 24-27 inches (male), 22-25 inches (female)
Weight: 95-135 pounds (male), 80-100 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 9-10 years

Havaneses tend to pick a person to focus on, and everyone else becomes secondary. Getty Images
These little dogs have absolutely beautiful coats and even more beautiful personalities to match them. They make great buddies with young kids mostly because they’re generally gentle and they are not all that interested in them.
They pick a person who they want to be around and everyone else is sort of secondary in terms of interest to them.
So if you want a dog that sticks by you for companionship that you don’t have to worry about losing its temper with your little ones, the Havanese is a great choice.
Havanese Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Intelligent, Outgoing, Funny
Height: 8.5-11.5 inches
Weight: 7-13 pounds
Life Expectancy: 14-16 years

Papillons have big personalities. Getty Images
Not to be confused with a fluffy Chihuahua or hairy Chinese Crested, this breed has a mind and personality all its own. They’re named after their big ears, which resemble butterflies (“papillon” is butterfly in French). And their big personalities make them as distinct as their insect counterparts.
They’re easily trained and generally outgoing. They’re also highly adaptable to whatever environment they may find themselves in. They are small and should be handled with care, but are awesome companions for people of any age.
Papillon Overview
Temperament: Friendly, Alert, Happy
Height: 9-11 inches
Weight: 5-10 pounds
Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
Border Collie

Border collies are affectionate and smart, always looking to please their owners. Getty Images
The border collie has a well-earned reputation for being one of the smartest dog breeds you can find. They learn quickly, are happy to please their family and love to take on various jobs.
They make excellent protectors and companions for a family. As long as you can get them plenty of exercise (without it, they go a little bonkers), they’ll add a ton of love and personality to a young family.
Border Collie Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Smart, Energetic
Height: 19-22 inches (male), 18-21 inches (female)
Weight: 30-55 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

The beauceron is faithful and obedient, perfect for being around infants. Getty Images
If you haven’t heard of a Beauceron before, it’s about time you were introduced. They’re incredibly intelligent and athletic dogs. If you’re new to dog ownership, they may not be the best match, as they require plenty of training and simulation for their bright minds to be satisfied.
But if you’ve had a dog before and are looking for a protective and playful match for your young family, the beauceron is the right choice. They can be trained to help out in any capacity, whether it’s companionship or watchdog duties.
Beauceron Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Gentle, Faithful, Obedient
Height: 25.5-27.5 inches (male), 24-26.5 inches (female)
Weight: 70-110 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Great Dane

Great Danes make ideal family pets. Getty Images
These small horses — no, wait huge dogs — have a ton of loyal human fans because of their lap-dog personalities packaged into a large dog body. These dogs love to cuddle and play, and have easy-going dispositions that will make them welcome playmates for any infant.
Do beware, they’re big pups and are happiest when touching a human, so keep an eye on them to ensure that they understand a grown human lap is different than an infant’s lap.
Great Dane Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Patient, Dependable
Height: 30-32 inches (male), 28-30 inches (female)
Weight: 140-175 pounds (male), 110-140 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 7-10 years
Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell terriers have a ton of energy, but make great family dogs. Getty Images
If you’ve got the time and know how to do some basic training, these small pups can be worth the work. They do have a lot of personality, a ton of energy and a propensity for mischief. But if properly trained, they can be cuddly, loyal and highly intelligent pets.
They’re happy hunting on their own outside if you have a yard that can satisfy their exercise needs. If you’re willing to put in the time to train and teach them, they can make amazing companions.
Jack Russell Terrier Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Alert, Inquisitive, Lively
Height: 10-12 inches
Weight: 9-15 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese water dogs are adventurous and hypoallergenic. Getty Images
The chosen dogs of the Obama family, these loving and playful pups are a great addition to any family. They’re as down for an adventure as they are down for some cuddle time. As their name implies, they’re excellent swimmers and love to run and swim and play in any capacity.
But even if you’re landlocked, they won’t mind, as long as they have a pack to play with and people to cuddle with. And, as a bonus, they’re hypoallergenic if you have allergies (or just don’t like cleaning up fur all the time).
Portuguese Water Dog Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Adventurous, Athletic
Height: 20-23 inches (male), 17-21 inches (female)
Weight: 42-60 pounds (male), 35-50 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Bracco Italiano

Bracco Italianos do well with young children. Getty Images
Although they may not be as popular as some of their other hound counterparts, these dogs do very well with infants and young children. Though they may bark a bit (they were originally bred to be hunting dogs), their gentle nature doesn’t make them any sort of threat to other family members or pets in the home.
They love to please and are happiest passing the time close to their favorite humans.
Bracco Italiano Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Affectionate, Intelligent, Enthusiastic
Height: 21-27 inches
Weight: 55-90 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-14 years

Pulis have quite a distinct look. Getty Images
The personality of the Puli is as distinct as the breed’s look. Its dense fur is distinct and will take a good amount of care. But if you have the time and ability to take care of it, having a loyal and intelligent homebody like the Puli will be well worth it.
They stay puppy-like and playful well into their older years. And they’re extremely loyal and loving to their friends and family.
Puli Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Loyal, Smart, Home-Loving
Height: 17 inches (male), 16 inches (female)
Weight: 25-35 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-15 years
French Bulldog

French bulldogs don’t act out and are happy hanging with babies. Getty Images
Bred to be miniature bulldogs (who we’ve already recognized as excellent pets for infants), these little loves are as gentle and affectionate as their larger counterparts. They were created to be companions, and so they take that duty seriously.
While they may not always be the most easily trained or sharp-witted dogs, they also have an easy-going nature that means they won’t generally act out. And they don’t require a lot of exercise to stay sane. So, if you want a dog you don’t have to worry much about and that is happiest just hanging out with your infant all day, these pups are an excellent choice.
French Bulldog Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Adaptable, Playful, Smart
Height: 11-13 inches
Weight: Up to 28 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Bernese Mountain Dog

Gentle and loyal, this large breed makes the perfect cuddle buddy. Getty Images
If ever a dog breed deserved the “gentle giant” label, it’d be this one. Like Newfoundlands, their size is impressive and may be intimidating to people who aren’t used to dogs. But this breed is renowned for being gentle, cuddly and playful.
They’re happy to play, although their main goal is simply to please their family — however that may be. If it means staying in and cuddling, they’re down to do that. And their overall calm nature offers a helpful counterbalance to the chaotic life that living with an infant may throw your way.
Bernese Mountain Dog Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Good-Natured, Calm, Strong
Height: 25-27.5 inches (male), 23-26 inches (female)
Weight: 80-115 pounds (male), 70-95 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 7-10 years

Dachshunds are small but mighty family dogs. Getty Images
Between their cute appearance and goofy personality, it’s no big mystery why Dachshunds are incredibly popular family dogs. They are small but mighty family companions who are happy running around or happy cuddling hard. They’re intelligent and like to help out, which can sometimes mean some pretty creative personality quirks.
And they’ll need plenty of socializing with other animals in order to ensure they won’t be overly protective. But with their pack, they’re as sweet and loving as they come.
Dachshund Overview

Getty Images
Temperament: Friendly, Curious, Spunky
Height: 8-9 inches
Weight: 16-32 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
Rhodesian Ridgeback

This dog requires a lot of exercise, but makes an excellent member of the family. Getty Images
This large breed has a distinctive ridge in the back of its neck, hence its name. They do require a good amount of exercise and, as big dogs, enjoy being outside regularly. So, if you don’t have the space, they may not be for you.
But if you have an environment that can handle this breed, you’ll get a loyal family member in return. If you’re in their inner circle, as all members of their family (whether small or full grown will be), you’ll get lots of affection and plenty of protection.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Overview

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Temperament: Affectionate, Dignified, Even-Tempered
Height: 25-27 inches (male), 24-26 inches (female)
Weight: 85 pounds (male), 70 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10 years
Chow Chow

Chow chows can be standoffish and shy, but are also loyal and loving. Getty Images
Though they can be somewhat standoffish and shy, these pups are really loyal and loving to their people.
They should never be mistaken for your infant’s favorite teddy bear – even if they look like it – as these guys will set up clear boundaries for themselves.
But they are also happy members of a pack that will very much enjoy hanging and cuddling with their little human friends.
Chow Chow Overview

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Temperament: Dignified, Bright, Serious-Minded
Height: 17-20 inches
Weight: 45-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 8-12 years
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

This friendly medium-sized pooch is a happy hound. Getty Images
Just because you can’t easily see the eyes of these pups (because they’re covered by charming bangs), rest assured there are some adoring looks being given to whatever human is taking care of them. These dogs have never met a stranger and treat every human they meet, whether grown or tiny, with tons of love and affection.
They’re also adaptable to any style of living, whether you live in a smaller space or a wide-open place.
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Overview

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Temperament: Friendly, Happy, Deeply Devoted
Height: 18-19 inches (male), 17-18 inches (female)
Weight: 35-40 pounds (male), 30-35 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

Pitbulls are protective and aim to please. Getty Images
Because so many have been abused and taken advantage of for their fierce loyalty and muscular bodies, pitbulls have complicated reputations and can invoke fear. But they can be wonderful dogs with children.
Like other strong and protective breeds, they should be monitored with children. And sadly, many pitbulls who wind up in shelters because of abusive situations may not have patience for children because of their past.
But their personalities are generally gentle and aim to please. If you make it clear their job is to protect and play with the baby, a pitbull can do it flawlessly.
Pitbull (or American Staffordshire Terrier) Overview

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Temperament: Confident, Smart, Good-Natured
Height: 18-19 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female)
Weight: 55-70 pounds (male), 40-55 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
Australian Terrier

Australian terriers are intelligent and curious. Getty Images
If big dogs aren’t your thing, these little cuties make wonderful companions and pets. These small dogs pack a big punch with plenty of intelligence, curiosity and courage into their small, fluffy bodies.
The nice part about the spunky personality these dogs often have is that they are quite independent. That means you can have a companion without worrying about giving them more attention than you may have time for (especially if your infant requires most of your attention). They enjoy being with their pack and make great playmates for kids of any age.
Australian Terrier Overview

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Temperament: Affectionate, Courageous, Spirited
Height: 10-11 inches
Weight: 15-20 pounds
Life Expectancy: 11-15 years
German Shepherd

German shepherds can be trained to help out children. Getty Images
Renowned for their intelligence, protective instincts and trainability, this majestic breed can make an incredibly loving companion. They’re smart and understand that, when a new critter is added to the pack, part of their job is to care for and protect them.
Because they’re so quick at learning, they can be trained to help out children who might need it or protect them if that’s what you want. Or they’re more than willing to just give happy snuggles and kisses.
German Shepherd Overview

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Temperament: Confident, Courageous, Smart
Height: 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female)
Weight:65-90 pounds (male), 50-70 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 7-10 years

Mutts can take on all sorts of positive traits from all the breeds in their mix. Chung Nguyen / Unsplash
While it can be really helpful to know your dog’s breed so you can better understand their expectations and the best ways to care for them, it’s not at all a precursor to a happy family dog.
Mutts can often take on all sorts of positive traits from all the funky breeds they’re mixed with. And their unique looks will make for great conversation pieces.
Always evaluate the general temperament of any dog before you introduce it to your little one. But there’s no need to stick with one specific type of breed.