The Biewer terrier was recognized as a dog breed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2021. Not only was it new to the club, but it’s also a fairly new dog breed in general.
Established in the 1980s, this adorable terrier is definitely a rare breed, but its fun-loving personality is sure to find its way into the hearts of many before long. Check out these fun facts about the Biewer terrier to find out if it’s the right dog for you.
Biewer Terriers Are No. 197

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This dog breed recognized by the AKC happens to be the 197th dog breed on the kennel club’s list.
The Biewer Terrier Originated in Germany, but It’s Essentially a Yorkie

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The first Biewer terrier was born in Germany on Jan. 20, 1984. Although the breed was developed in Germany, it is not made up of German breeds.
The first two Biewer terriers were born to two purebred Yorkshire terrier parents. But they became their own breed shortly after.
The Breed Is Named After the Biewers
For a new breed, it’s had quite a few names already. It started with German Yorkshire terrier. Then, it was suggested they be named after the wife of the couple who bred them: Gertrud Biewer Yorkshire terrier.
Luckily, they settled on Biewer terrier.
The First Biewer Terrier Had Quite the Name

Stillions Miniature Miracles
For a small dog, the first Biewer (a female) had a long name: Schneeflockchen von Friedheck. The word “schneeflockchen” means “snowflake” in German.
The next puppy born three months later was named “Schneeman,” which means “snowman.”
It Was Their Color That Set Them Apart

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Yorkies are recognizable for their uniform coat color of tan and blue.
These puppies, born to a purebred Yorkshire, had a rare piebald recessive gene, that gave them spots of colors.
Margot Eskens Owned the First Biewer Terriers
Margot Eskens, a famous German singer who competed in the 1966 Eurovision contest, owned both of the first Biewer puppies.
They Almost Had an Even Longer Name

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While the Biewers were adding their name to the new breed, Eskens also wanted to add to the name and suggested they should be called Biewer Terrier La Pom Pon.
The “La Pom Pon” was later dropped.
They Are a Non-Sporting Terrier

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Although they are a terrier, AKC classified them in the toy group in April 2014, similar to the Yorkshire terrier.
Their Name Is Pronounced Like Another Animal

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The name Biewer is German, giving the “w” an English “v” sound. So, their name is pronounced the same as “beaver,” the woodland animal.
Incidentally, beavers are very large compared to the Biewer terrier, topping out at 70 pounds when fully grown.
Biewer Terriers Weigh About the Same as Yorkies

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If you are looking for a tiny dog, this may be a good breed for you. The Biewer tops out at just 8 pounds, with some as small as just 4 pounds.
Not only are they lightweight, but they also stay under 12 inches, with the AKC standard being 7 to 11 inches tall.
They Live a Long Life

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Biewer terriers are a pretty healthy breed. They have a fairly long life expectancy of up to 16 years.
So, if you are looking for a best friend that will be around for a while, this is a great breed choice.
Biewer Terriers Are Athletic

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Although AKC puts them in the toy group, they definitely enjoy sport!
They are quick and agile and do well in performance events.
The Biewer Terrier Was Created Using Science Instead of Pedigree

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While most breeds are developed and recognized through long decades of breeding, the Biewer terrier is the first breed, according to the AKC, that was recognized using science (DNA) rather than pedigree.
You Can Test a Biewer’s DNA

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The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD) created the Biewer terrier breed signature on Oct. 5, 2009.
IPFD has more than 250 breeds, types and varieties in their database. That means you can figure out a Biewer’s ancestry and screen it for genetic diseases.
The Biewer Terrier Joined the FSS in 2014

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Part of the road to becoming an AKC recognized dog breed, a breed must be recorded in the AKC Foundation Stock Service (FSS).
Dogs registered with the FSS cannot be registered with the AKC but can compete in AKC companion events.
The Breed Was Added to the Miscellaneous Class in 2019

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The next step in becoming an AKC-recognized dog breed is being added to the miscellaneous class. These dogs are still part of the FSS and are not fully recognized.
The Biewer terrier was added on July 3, 2019.
Biewer Terriers Come in 3 Color Combos

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Unlike the Yorkie, the Biewer terrier comes in a piebald or spotted pattern. They can be black/tan/white, blue/tan/white or chocolate/tan/white.
However, the AKC does not recognize the chocolate/tan/white as a standard color.
They Require Grooming

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The Biewer terrier has the same long, silky coat as the Yorkshire. The long coat will easily sweep the ground if not cut and needs to be brushed daily to prevent tangles.
Of course, non-show dogs can be clipped to make care easier.
They Should Have Brown Eyes

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Biewer terriers typically have brown eyes, but on rare occasions, they can have blue ones.
However, blue eyes are not allowed in the show ring and shouldn’t be present in breeding dogs.
Biewer Terriers Should Have Black Skin Pigmentation

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Having brown or liver pigmentation of visible skin, including nose, paw pads, lips and around the eyes, is also considered a fault in Biewer terriers.
The Biewer Terrier Saw a Dip in Popularity in Their Country of Origin

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According to the Biewer Terrier Club of America, the breed’s popularity in Germany dropped in the 2000s. While it was losing popularity in Germany, the Biewer terrier was introduced to the U.S. where it quickly gained fans.
Americans loved the colorful little dog and quickly began to work on breed standards and a registry.
They Are Good for Those With Allergies

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The silky coat type of the Biewer terrier does not shed and creates less dander, so it may be a good breed choice for those with allergies.
Some claim it’s “hypoallergenic” like the poodle.
The Biewer Terrier May Have Cropped Ears

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While this practice is dwindling in some places (and outlawed in specific countries), some Biewer terriers may still have ears cropped by their breeders.
Cropping ears involves cutting part of the ear to create a certain shape and/or to have the ear stand in a certain way, depending on the breed standard.
The Biewer Terrier Can Be Protective

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Like many terriers, the Biewer is very protective of their family.
This means proper socialization is needed to make sure they are fine with strangers coming over or when in public.
Biewers Are Prone to Luxating Patellas

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Biewers, like many small dogs, are prone to patellar luxation, when the kneecap is loose over the joint.
Dogs with this affliction often “skip,” holding up a hind leg as they walk or run.
Biewers Should Have a ‘Flag’ Tail

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Their breed standard calls for a natural tail carriage that is held high, draping up and over the body like a flag.
Their lofty tail is part of the overall look that gives these terriers their happy expression.
Biewers Have a Compact Body Type

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The Biewer terrier breed standard says they can have a square body — when their height is the same (or close to) their body length.
While they can have a slightly longer body than height, it should not be overly so.
Splitters Are Not Registrable

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Biewer terriers that have one Yorkie parent are called splitters.
They cannot be registered with the Biewer Terrier Registry of America.
Biewers Are Popular in South Africa

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There are not too many countries where the Biewer Terrier is recognized, but South Africa is one of them.
Another country that has fully recognized the Biewer terrier is The Bahamas.
The Biewer Terrier Received AKC Recognition Quickly

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The Biewer terrier is one of the quickest breeds to go from FSS to full AKC recognition. It took just 1.5 years after being moved to the miscellaneous group.
And it did this while not being recognized by its country of origin, another rarity.
The Biewer Isn’t a Terrier at Heart

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Although they bear the name, Biewer terriers tend to not have terrier traits, such as a high-prey drive or digging tendencies.
This can make them a better companion for city life. That said, this happy-go-lucky little dog is adaptable to most lifestyles. They are fine in a house or an apartment.
Biewers Do Best With Exercise

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While this small dog does fine with apartment life, they are high energy. Biewers do best with daily exercise of some kind.
Take them for a walk, fetch in the backyard or agility, they are open to it all.
They’re Not Allowed to Be Shown as Yorkshire Terriers

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You may be wondering why, if the first two puppies were born of purebred dogs, they weren’t just shown as Yorkies and the breed never created.
Well, that colorful coat disqualified them from being shown as a Yorkshire terrier.