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These Dog Hero Stories Will Melt Your Heart

These unbelievably brave dogs remind us that heroes can come in fluffy packages. Getty Images

Dogs are truly magical. They love to play, be companions and get belly rubs. But they can also be straight-up heroes. From the beginning of humanity’s relationship with our canine counterparts, we’ve helped each other out. In exchange for food, we get companionship and hunting partners who can see and sense stuff long before we can.

Even in our modern ages, there are all sorts of dangers we don’t always sense coming. But our dog pals can. And even the smallest among them live to protect and care for their owners. Sometimes that means just giving cuddles when their owner is feeling down. And other times it means alerting them when something is terribly wrong. And still other times, it means the dog taking extra-dramatic action to try and help their beloved human stay safe and healthy.

Here are a handful of heroic tales about dogs that will make you want to snuggle your pup extra hard (or convince you to finally get one) because they’re truly the best.

A Dog Saves a Deer From Drowning


There was definitely some animal love happening here when Storm, the labrador retriever, risked his own life to save a drowning deer, which the owner captured on video.

Amazingly, the dog gently brings the deer to shore and even chases it down to make sure it’s recovered before going about its regularly scheduled walk. He was, no doubt, rewarded with plenty of extra pats for being such a good (and brave) boy.

A Small Pup Comforts a Fellow Little One


When the hero dog that would come to be called Peanut first arrived at a shelter, she had been badly abused and was in terrible shape. Thanks to the love she got from the shelter and her new family, she healed nicely. One fateful day, she was able to pay that kindness forward when she sensed something was wrong outside her home. Peanut went nuts, barking and trying to get outside and have her owners come with her.

Thankfully, they listened and went outside to see what all the fuss was about, only to find a naked toddler curled up in a ball and shivering. When the police arrived, the girl’s only words were “doggie.” The girl and her sibling were removed from the horrible situation and are under care now in a better one. The situation could have been even worse if Peanut hadn’t been there to let everyone know what was happening.

A Gentle Giant Saves a Family From a Fire


When “Big Ben” was rescued from a local shelter in Pittsburgh, the big mutt happily and quickly fit into his new pack. One night, his mom was away and a babysitter was in charge of the children, so he made extra sure they were all safe.

A fire had started in the apartment and, though everyone was asleep, Ben barked to wake up the babysitter until she realized the issue and was able to save everyone in time. Had it not been for Ben’s big heart and protective spirit, the babysitter and two children could have died in that fire.

Another Brave Dog Alerts a Family of a Fire


If it hadn’t been for the loud insistence of her pup, a mom of nine children could have had a real tragedy on her hands. Despite being sleep deprived and wanting to catch a little rest while her husband was away and she cared for her nine kids and two dogs on her own, one of her pups wouldn’t let her rest — and for a very good reason.

The dog was warning her that an electrical fire had started in her kitchen. She had enough time to grab her kids and get them to safety thanks to her pup’s warning.