Dan Haggerty portrayed Grizzly Adams in the hit 1974 film, “The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams,” and the television show of the same name that aired for 38 episodes over two seasons in 1977 and 1978. The story was concluded with a TV film, “The Capture of Grizzly Adams,” in 1982.
Grizzly Adams proved to be the role of a lifetime for Haggerty, who got his start as a stuntman, specifically with a bit part in the legendary 1969 film, “Easy Rider,” in which he doubled as a motorcycle repairman for the production. Haggerty also worked behind the scenes as an animal trainer for Walt Disney Studios in the 1970s.
Haggerty, who died in 2016 at 73 years old, was a wild man in his own right. He once shut down production of “Grizzly Adams” in 1977 after he suffered third-degree burns while drinking a flaming cocktail, was arrested for selling cocaine to an undercover police officer in 1985 and managed to recover after a motorcycle accident put him into a coma in 1991.