Ball pythons have arguably the cutest faces of any pet snake around. They’re known as the puppies of the reptile world. They’re docile, easy to handle and far more likely to curl into a ball and hide than to strike at you — hence the name “ball python.” Ball pythons need a warm, moderately humid enclosure, and they should be fed a rodent once every seven to 14 days, depending on their age and size.
Adults reach between 3 and 5 feet in length, with males being on the smaller end of the spectrum. As far as snakes go, ball pythons are plump. Their thick bodies make them a little more resilient to rough handling than a smaller snake would be. While kids should always be supervised while handling pets, this snake’s hardiness is a big plus.
As long as they’re kept in the right conditions, they’re extremely low maintenance. They do occasionally stop eating, which worries new keepers, but they usually resume eating when they’re ready. They also come in hundreds of different color and pattern morphs!