Leave it to Twitter to have an entire account dedicated to animals getting into mischief. We’re talking cats eating corn on the cob, seals attacking cameras and alligators riding ATVs.
Intrigued? So are we. Check out the most mischievous animals caught on camera and then shared to the “Animals Going Goblin Mode” account. (No, we didn’t make that name up.)
Moments Before Destruction
She Looks Pretty Guilty Though
Haven’t You Been Tempted Before?
Don’t Get on His Bad Side
Imagine This Crawling Towards You at Night
We Can Feel the Brainfreeze Already
He Deserves a Chicken Nuggie
I Can Be Your Angle or Yuor Devil
Feet Off of the Couch Please
Surely They Did This in the Wild, Too
He Has Some Stern Words for You
The Pretzel Thief Becomes the Pretzel
It’s Always the Quiet Ones