There is something mystifying about a horse that captures us. Even the most well-trained horse still has a sense of wildness about them that tugs at our heartstrings. And horses have a beauty that is almost unearthly — which is obviously why they often appear in fairytales and legends.
While all horse breeds are beautiful, most horse lovers have a breed of horse that stands apart for them. Something about them draws them in, and when that happens, we horse people get pretty passionate about “our breed,” whether we own one of these beauties or not!
So, what are the most popular horse breeds that have captured more hearts than others? Since there is no overarching association that can tell us the numbers of registered horses, we asked horse experts what they thought and then turned to social media to see what breeds people are talking about the most. Here are 25 of the most popular horse breeds, ranked by popularity — is your favorite one of them?
18. Gypsy Horse

Nice skewbald irish cob mare running with foal on pasturage Zuzule / Getty Images
Physical appearance: Thick body with large bones and a refined head; ample feather (hair on feet), mane and tail
Height: 10 hands (40 inches) – 16 hands (64 inches)
Known for: Show, trails, lessons, dressage, driving, therapy
Instagram hashtags by the numbers: #gypsycob 208,258, #gypsyvanner 167,642, #tinkerhorse 100,894