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Cute Samoyed Puppies Grow Up to Be Amazing Dogs

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If you hate shedding, stop reading. If you hate long walks in the park, seriously: Scram. If you want a low-maintenance lap dog, why are you still here? Samoyed puppies aren’t for you. 

If your idea of a perfect dog breed is a snuggly, smiling ball of energy with a big personality and even bigger fur, however, you’re in the right place. Check out these adorable Samoyed puppies and learn what it’s like to actually own one. 

Can You Believe These Guys Were Bred To Pull Sleds?

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It’s hard to picture a gleeful cotton ball working hard on the Siberian tundra, but believe it. Samoyeds were bred by the Samoyede people of northwestern Siberia to pull sledges, herd reindeer and hunt.

They were great at it, too, and still have enough energy to make eager working dogs. 

Samoyeds Were Also Tasked With Keeping Their Owners Warm

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But wait. There’s more. Samoyeds were hard workers, but they were also tasked with much snugglier duties: keeping their owners warm at night by sleeping on top of them like living heated blankets.

The only downside of their Snuggie-like qualities is that Samoyeds don’t do well in hot weather. They need lots of exercise, but when the temperatures climb, it’s best to keep activity to the cooler morning and evening hours. 

Sammies Are Stubborn, but They Get Along With Everyone

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Like we said, Samoyeds are a working breed. As such, some tenacity and wit is desirable. But for those who aren’t expecting it, their spunk and stubborn streak can be startling.

If you can handle the sass, however, Samoyeds more than make up for it with their cheerful, gentle and affectionate personalities.

Despite Their Floof, Samoyeds Are One of the 14 Original Dog Breeds

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Samoyeds are one of 14 so-called primitive dog breeds. Primitive dog breeds, most of which are Spitz-type dogs like Akitas and Shiba Inus, share more DNA with wolves than other dog breeds.

They haven’t been selectively bred to the same extent as many other breeds, so they retain more of their willful, independent and resourceful traits than other breeds. That’s where that stubborn streak we mentioned comes from.