30 Weird Sea Animals You’ll Never Forget

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Experts say that we have only mapped out and discovered about 20 percent of the ocean. Even in the small amounts that we have discovered and explored, there are constantly mysteries and mysteriously strange species that we find. It can be hard to believe that these sea animals share the same planet as us humans. They can be strange-looking, weirdly shaped and often difficult to find.
Of the sea species we have uncovered, there are a handful of particularly odd animals that will either fuel your imagination or maybe haunt your nightmares. Here are some of the weirdest animals in the ocean, ranked based on how strange, bizarre and terrifying they are.
30. Porcupinefish

Physical traits: A smooth-looking outside with an uncanny ability to blow themselves up into a bigger and rounder version of themselves with tough spikes around their body.
Length: Average around 3 feet
Weight: About 6 pounds
What Makes the Porcupinefish So Weird

These fish are also often called “blowfish,” and their abilities to become large and intimidating quickly will blow you out of the water. These fish swim around looking like your normal, run-of-the-mill fish until threatened, then suddenly become unrecognizably huge and genuinely dangerous.
And, interestingly enough, the males woo females by creating complicated geometric patterns out of the sand for their nests. So, they’re both fierce and fiercely artistic.
29. Triggerfish

Physical traits: Colorful fish with higher-than-average intelligence and generally territorial (and cranky) attitudes with very distinct teeth protruding from their mouths.
Length: 28 inches
Weight: Up to 13 pounds
What Makes the Triggerfish So Weird

Even though this fish’s bizarre-looking teeth are used to help them crush shells, they won’t hesitate to use them on humans. Notoriously protective of the nests and fearless in their pursuit of whatever made them cranky that day, Triggerfish aren’t afraid to go after a human if they feel threatened.
And though most species are too small to do damage, Titan Triggerfish are big enough that they could actually hurt you if you happen upon their nest.